2010年3月17日 星期三

How the make an ipod touch in Maya

beware its socketand the smooth shape of earphone.

1) Create a nurbs sphere and transform it into an ipod sphere by moving its control vertex points.

2) Create a square and project it on the "ipod" to create the area for the screen.

3a) Create a sphere (will be deleted after this step), place it on the "ipod" and use booleans (differences) in order to create the button of ipod.

3b) the socket can be made in the same way

The wire of the earphone will use CV curve to finish:

1) Make the ipod "live", so the wire around ipod can be made by drawing CV curve.

2) And the wire around ipod and the wire lies on desk can be combined by using "attach curve".

The earphone:

1a) Create polygon cylinder. Transform and add subdivision point (height 2).

1b) Select the top of the cylinder and use "extrude" to made a hole on it.

2) Create sphere (nurbs) and move its control vertex to get the shape likes the one in sketch.

3) Repeat the method in part 2 to create this shape. Create a polygon cylinder and place at the place which the picture shows. Use booleans (differences) to create the little hole.

So all parts of the ipod touch is finished. let's combine them after placing them in right place.



